CEDP the partners
Meet the Executive Directors that make up the CEDP

The Partners
Jane Addams CDC
Jane Addams CDC is building a vibrant and thriving Jane Addams Neighborhood including quality, affordable and safe housing options for low and moderate income families. Jane Addams CDC is committed to advocating for the Addams Elementary neighborhood of Southwest Fresno.
Contact: Crystal Peralta janeaddamscdc@gmail.com
Regenerate California & Better Blackstone CDC
Better Blackstone Association is first and foremost a group of people who are committed to seeing a Better Blackstone. We are Businesses: owners and employees; we are Residents: homeowners and tenants; and we are Institutions: administrators, teachers, staff, students, and bus riders. All of us have come together to imagine what it would look like for Blackstone to thrive once again.
Contact: Keith Bergthold keith@regenerateca.org Learn more
Chinatown Fresno Foundation
Chinatown Fresno is a mixed-use Downtown neighborhood located between Freeway 99 and the future home of the High-Speed Rail station. As a place-based organization, the Chinatown Fresno Foundation unites the community, honors the neighborhood’s rich heritage, strengthens the business and property assets, and builds vibrancy in the neighborhood.
Contact: Jan Minami jan@chinatownfresno.org Learn more
Downtown Fresno Partnership
The Downtown Fresno Partnership is leading downtown Fresno toward its future as a vibrant hub of business activity by promoting downtown’s image; supporting physical improvements and development; advocating for merchants; and hosting special events that bring new life to the historic core of our city.
Contact: Elliott Balch elliott@downtownfresno.org Learn more
El Dorado Park CDC
El Dorado Park CDC is a neighborhood-based organization, our mission is to enhance resident assets for positive community change. We do this by engaging residents in work projects, alley clean-ups, food distribution, etc. We learn the assets of our people by working side by side with them. Our work and play are focused on facilitating resident investment in the neighborhood, and in themselves as individuals.
Contact: Jackie Holmes jacalynholmes@gmail.com Learn more
Every Neighborhood Partnership
ENP has a mission to connect churches and other community partners with elementary schools and equip them to serve through their active presence in every neighborhood.
Contact: Andrew Feil andrew@everyneighborhood.org Learn more
Faces’ mission is to walk alongside struggling families living primarily in the Robinson neighborhood and to mobilize and equip people for community transformation. The organization emerged out of North Fresno Church’s long history of intentional neighborhood ministries.
Contact: Loren Dubberke loren@facefresno.org Learn more
Hidalgo CDC’s mission/vision is to listen, organize and empower voices in the Hidalgo neighborhood. Our goal is to improve the economic, physical, and civic infrastructures in our defined geography, thereby bringing hope and neighborhood renewal to our community.
Contact: Hector Chavez hector@hidalgocdc.org
Highway City
Highway City’s work focuses on revitalizing the area West of 99 in West Central Fresno (Central Unified School district) by bringing resources & infrastructure to neglected neighborhoods in the community. These distressed neighborhoods suffer from high poverty rates, low mobility, and limited access to resources.
Contact: April Henry april@highwaycitycd.com Learn more
Jackson CDC
Jackson CDC represents the 3300 neighbors and 923 homes between First and Cedar, Tulare, and Ventura. We seek the cohesive well-being of the Jackson Neighborhood and its residents through community engagement, advocacy, and asset-based community development.
Contact: Rhonda Dueck rhondadueck@jacksoncdc.org Learn more
Lowell CDC
The Lowell Community is one of Fresno's first suburbs, located just north of the cultural arts district and south of the tower district. Lowell CDC exists to improve the quality of life through community engagement, equitable housing, and while honoring historic diversity.
Contact: Esther Carver Esther@lowellcdc.org Learn more
St. Rest EDC
Saints Rest Community Economic Development Corporation's mission is to develop and support community-based strategies that increase economic opportunity and improve the quality of life for a sustainable Saint Rest neighborhood. We work in partnership with local residents, business owners, and organizations to reimagine Southwest Fresno by developing brownfields into usable and safe spaces for the community.
Contact: Marcie Santana marciesantana@yahoo.com Learn more
SW Fresno CDC
Southwest Fresno Development Corporation's mission is the revitalization and restoration of Fresno's "Golden Westside" better known as Southwest Fresno. SWFDC works to protect the rich history and culture of the residents, increase economic development, build quality mixed-income housing, and increase wealth generation by investing in the residents of 93706.
Contact: Allysunn Walker allysunn@swfresnodc.com
Learn More
South Tower Community Land Trust
The South Tower Community Land Trust's mission is to build community control of land, housing, and civic resources centered in the South Tower neighborhood in order to improve the quality of life, also to prevent and reverse the displacement of residents.
Contact: Kiel Lopez-Schmidt kielts@gmail.com
Tower Neighborhood Alliance / Neighborhood Industries
Elevating the voices of residents and business owners in the Tower District. For the neighborhood, with the neighborhood, by the neighborhood.
Contact: Anthony (AP) Armour