Neighbor-to-Neighbor Grant Proposal
The Neighbor-to-Neighbor program seeks to build on evidence-based practices to create strong networks in and across neighborhoods that support one another as well as jointly tackle shared community challenges. ENP is leading the grant proposal and application process.
Managed by: ENP
CZI Housing Grant
CZI Housing Affordability Program has granted the CEDP Housing Workgroup a $150k grant. 7 CEDP partner organizations are participating in this grant funding opportunity.
Managed by: Better Blackstone
RISE Health Equity Grant
In year two of the Health Equity RISE Grant, Highway City, Jane Addams, St Rest, Lowell, ENP, Better Blackstone, and Hidalgo CDC for implementing promising, evidence-informed, and multi-level environmental, community and clinical, interpersonal, and individual interventions with lower income, vaccination hesitant, and racially, culturally and age-diverse stakeholders in our neighborhood and among our broader networks of individuals and families we serve.
Managed by: Better Blackstone